Fall Fun at Duke Farms

Come along with the LA Club as they explore Duke Farms

Studio in St. Croix

Feeling cold? Come along with the LA club to beautiful sunny St. Croix.

Student NJASLA Structure

Come along with the LA club and get an inside look at the progress of the structure that will be displayed in Atlantic City.

RULA In Phoenix: My Trip To Arcosanti

See some pictures and read first hand accounts of all the fun you missed in Phoenix

Phoenix Photography

Didn't get to go to Phoenix? Come along with Junior Jesse Woods and experience the beauty!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Roosevelt Praxis Studio Work Samples

Class Photo 

Photo by: Kate John-Alder, Professor


Jack Peters, Senior

Sara Yildirim, Senior

Gwen Heerschap, Senior

Miloni Mody, Second Year Grad

Tom Wyllner, Junior

By RULandscape with No comments

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Portrait-folio - Portraits of Blake Hall

Life can get a bit hectic at Blake Hall, and among all the activities, and school work, and classes, we barely have any time to unwind and get into new hobbies just because we feel like it.
One not so hectic day a long time ago during one of our NJASLA student chapter meetings, we had an activity sort-of like musical chairs with a twist: we would all be sketching, or painting, or drawing, but when the time came to switch seats, we would have to leave our artwork behind for the next person to continue developing it however they pleased.  That was the night I drew two very quick portraits that would later become inspirations for a series of Cray-Pas portraits I am currently working on. That is of course only whenever Blake Hall's unforgiving clocks have a few minutes to spare for me, and one of my new found hobbies.

The developing series had no name until Senior Jack Peters suggested I called it PORTRAIT-FOLIO.
The Portrait-folio series is developing, and some say it is actually getting better portrait after portrait.  Mind you, I am no expert, but I reckon some of these do look very nice.

I decided to start exclusively with our fellow Seniors, since they will be graduating soon, and the time to get these dear friends of ours into the series is running out.  Below are some of the portraits I have finished so far.

PS: Shout-out to our very incredible, and awesome Sara Yildirim for lending me he very nice cray-pas set indefinitely for the duration of the series.

- Arturo Hernandez Sangregorio
Deanna Lu - Senior
Chris Perez - Senior
Jack Peters - Senior
Josh Mieloch - Senior
Michelle Hartman - Senior
Alyssa Viani- Senior
Sara Yildirim - Senior

By RULandscape with 1 comment