Fall Fun at Duke Farms

Come along with the LA Club as they explore Duke Farms

Studio in St. Croix

Feeling cold? Come along with the LA club to beautiful sunny St. Croix.

Student NJASLA Structure

Come along with the LA club and get an inside look at the progress of the structure that will be displayed in Atlantic City.

RULA In Phoenix: My Trip To Arcosanti

See some pictures and read first hand accounts of all the fun you missed in Phoenix

Phoenix Photography

Didn't get to go to Phoenix? Come along with Junior Jesse Woods and experience the beauty!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Student Chapter Helps Clean Up after Sandy!

The NJASLA Student Chapter worked hard at cleaning up 
Rutgers Gardens bamboo garden this morning.
 A special thanks to everyone who came out! 
It was a beautiful day and everyone did a great job!

By RULACOM with No comments

Monday, March 4, 2013

Blake Revamped: 2013 Renovations

This new spring semester has brought in a lot of changes to Blake Hall. The old building is suddenly unrecognizable! 

Praxis Studio: St. Croix: Telling Community Stories through Landscape Design  

 Praxis Studio: Infrastructure Transformation: 
The Great Grey Bridge and the Little Red 
Lighthouse Studio

Praxis Studio: Liberty State Park Wetland Restoration

Review Room: The new review room is a great place for lectures and group projects

The bright new colors in the building seem to spark more creativity than ever before in the students' studios. We wish the students a successful semester!

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