Fall Fun at Duke Farms

Come along with the LA Club as they explore Duke Farms

Studio in St. Croix

Feeling cold? Come along with the LA club to beautiful sunny St. Croix.

Student NJASLA Structure

Come along with the LA club and get an inside look at the progress of the structure that will be displayed in Atlantic City.

RULA In Phoenix: My Trip To Arcosanti

See some pictures and read first hand accounts of all the fun you missed in Phoenix

Phoenix Photography

Didn't get to go to Phoenix? Come along with Junior Jesse Woods and experience the beauty!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Giant Crocheted Alligator Playground in Brazil!

Crocheted Jacaré is the latest work from Brooklyn-based artist Olek, who traveled to Brasil for the 2012 SESC Arts Show in order to encase a massive playground shaped like an alligator in her trademark crochet covering. With the help of several colleagues Olek covered the reptilian playscape in North Carolinian acrylic yarn and Brazilian ribbons over a period of several weeks. The SESC show runs through July 29th and you can see much more of Olek’s work on her website. All images courtesy Lost Art.

Article via This Is Colossal

By RULandscape with No comments

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sophmore Showcase #1

By RULandscape with No comments

Accreditation Showcase #1

In which we showcase some of the outstanding work done by our students that was shown during the 2012 accreditation process. We clinched it, and here are some of the reasons why.....

 (Credits Etc, what class, i have no idea)

By RULandscape with No comments