Fall Fun at Duke Farms

Come along with the LA Club as they explore Duke Farms

Studio in St. Croix

Feeling cold? Come along with the LA club to beautiful sunny St. Croix.

Student NJASLA Structure

Come along with the LA club and get an inside look at the progress of the structure that will be displayed in Atlantic City.

RULA In Phoenix: My Trip To Arcosanti

See some pictures and read first hand accounts of all the fun you missed in Phoenix

Phoenix Photography

Didn't get to go to Phoenix? Come along with Junior Jesse Woods and experience the beauty!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Somerville Praxis Discussion: Kim

After the class decided to take a part of the inventory leg work we were asked to discuss our findings. The sight has historic, ecological and social context which makes the analysis part critical as we move into the design phase of the project. With a broad range of information this class hopes to produce some innovative ideas for this brownfield site.

By RULandscape with No comments

Sunday, February 16, 2014


so we've all taken dean cardasis' class

but i'd like to open this post up for discussion by introducing the following

juan grimm paisajismo / jardín papudo, chile
The Tucson Mountain Retreat by DUST Architecture

Gridded garden by Glen’s Landscaping & Garden Maintenance

private garden | oxfordshire ~ dan pearson studio
canal gardens in amsterdam 

Barbican centre, London by Chamberlain Powell and Bon

 Hunter’s Point South Waterfront Park
General Maister Memorial Park by Bruto Landscape Architecture
Twisted Valley by Grupo Aranea

Jesse Untracht-Oakner

what's your definition of space? how do you define it? color, texture, material- I think we all know the basics but it's important to revisit them

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Praxis Studios 2014!

Time is flying!  The Junior, Senior and Second Year Graduate students are already approaching their fourth week in the 2014 Praxis Studios, three courses  designed to facilitate collaboration among various skill sets and interests.

The first option presented to the students to chose from is a postindustrial landscape in Summerville, New Jersey. Instructor Frank Gallagher and students are working with the townshipchallenged to develop a restoration plan that explores the potential of enhancing and creating wetlands within an urban brownfield while providing a green network of open spaces between the Raritan River and the downtown core of the city.

Option number two is led by Assistant Professor Kathleen John-Alder, an investigation of a Jersey Homestead community now called Roosevelt. Located in Monmouth County, New Jersey, Roosevelt is a borough with a deep cultural history; a landscape with multiple and constantly changing narratives. Students of this studio are examining the layers of this landscape and expressing their findings through techniques such as model making, creation of timelines, sequential framing, process mapping, transects, ideograms, collage, juxtaposition and selective erasure.

The third studio course is just outside the doors of Blake Hall, titled "The Nichol Avenue Project: visible and invisible connections between community and campus". Taught by Instructor Richard Alomar, students are studying Nichol Ave as an edge condition between Cook Campus and the adjacent New Brunswick neighborhood. The goal is to engage actively in the process of community design, place making and programing based on factors such as analysis, community workshops, and digital and analog mapping.

The walls of the three studio rooms are quickly filling up with inventory and analysis, sketches, maps and idea so stay tuned to see the work of theses innovative young minds!

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Monday, February 3, 2014

Interactive Skateboard Bench
By: Alexandra Duro

The benches in the photos below were used at the NJASLA at Atlantic City.  The students of the student chapter at Rutgers took the time to put the design together and to build 3 benches.  The bench in the photos below is only one of them.  The bench was composed of 2 x 2's and re-purposed skateboards cut down to fit to the design.  Please stay tuned to see more photos of the rest of the benches and what a successful trip Atlantic City will be.  

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