Sunday, November 10, 2013

Michael Shvo’s “Shvlawn”

I was in the city on the west side at Pier 62 or Chelsea Pier and while looking for parking I ran into this art display.  Seeing sheep with rolling meadows in such an urban environment was a complete impact to me!

The art display that you see in the pictures below are a total of 25 sheep statues that have taken over a gas station on New York's west side.  The art display was put up by the public art program Getty Station.  The work is done by Michael Shvo and Paul Kasmin Gallery, who have brought back the cartoonish pieces of the late French artist Fracois-Xavier Lalanne.  This gas station property will eventually be transformed into luxurious residences but until then the property will be home to this art display.

By: Alexandra Duro

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